If anyone wants to see my jetty presentation I recently did for the Santiam Fly Casting Club in Salem Oregon I have linked down below. I get into the basics in how to fish the jetties on the Oregon coast, the gear to bring, and the flies to tie. If […]
oregon coast
Sea run cutthroat are the forgotten fish of the Pacific Northwest, to me that’s sad. They are named after William Clark of Lewis and Clark fame (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) which is always a fun fact I try to throw out when I’m talking about these fish. They are under researched, […]
I was back on the Wet Fly Swing podcast. I looked it up and the last time I was on the show it was August of 2021 so it’s been a while. On that show which can be found here, I talked about a lot of fly tying stuff in […]
One of my favorite things about the Pacific Northwest is the diversity of fish you can go after. Every day of the year you can go after some kind of fish on the fly rod no matter the condition, and you can have success going after them. This brings me […]
Recently I went out to go after pacific rockfish on the fly off a jetty here in Oregon. It was a blast. From the process I learned some good information about fly construction and design. By no means am I an expert on catching these fish, but I have tied […]